Sunday, March 02, 2008


Well, that was a weekend to forget. I got smashed out of my tiny little mind on Friday night and have been feeling like an old man ever since.

Speedway season starts this coming weekend, though I'm not 100% sure what the weather will bring us. As an atheist, I don't really think theres any point in praying, but feel free to offer one up to the weather Gods if you want. Theres a 'Press & Practice' day on the 5th, so I've taken Wednesday off to go to that, then the rest of the week off to get myself back out in the fresh air after what seems like an eternity hiding from the horizontal rain and sleet.

What I have been doing, walled up as I am in my dark little garret, is downloading.................
..........old computer games from the internet. I discovered a couple of C64 and Spectrum emulators and it's been one long orgy of dewy eyed nostalgia ever since. Home video games sort of left me behind when they started getting all flashy and looking like the games you got in the arcades, not to mention costing an arm and a leg. Sit me down in front of Thrust, Galaga or Tetris and I'm a happy lad.

I always wondered what happened to my old, grimy, sticky-keyed Commodore 64. It seems someone put in on yon internets.........


Cocktails said...

Did you find that one where you have to get the frog across the busy road? Frogger I think? Used to love that game...

iLL Man said...

Yeah, it's in there somewhere.........

Was never my favourite for some reason. Not enough shooting or blood and guts probably. Apart from Tetris, I have an aversion to using my brain when playing computer games.