Saturday, October 11, 2008

People Were So Much More Attractive In 1993

Dedicated to mania inducing bores everywhere.


Cocktails said...

What was your state of mind when you decided to search for that?! I'd forgotten just how annoying Sultans of Ping were...

Hope your teeth are ok. Dentists are never pleasant. Is it just me, but do they all have an evil perma-glint in their eye?

iLL Man said...

Not a fan of the Ping as such, just that song, which adequately describes the person I sit next to at work. Yes, the rest of their output is a bit grim.....

My teeth are ok, but then, there's not many of them left to worry about..............

The dentist was actually rather nice. We had a wee bit of light hearted banter about the economy then he got to work.

Old Knudsen said...

Sultans of Ping you say, gurls or boys I'm wondering ah well like it matters to me.