Wednesday, August 12, 2009


On the top ten leaderboard of minor illnesses and afflictions, throat infections have to be pretty damn near the top. Raw and inflamed throat? Check! Discomfort when eating anything with that doesn't have the consistency of porridge? Check! Can't have a drink because it makes it ten times worse? Check! Temperature thru the roof? Check! Fucksticks!! Then you get the ulcers on your uvula, that really is a special joy to behold, along with when you wake up and feel like you have a half brick lodged in yr throat. In other news, I gave my old, long suffering pc it's Viking burial recently and have a shiny now piece of kit, complete with the rather snazzy, yet slightly frustrating 'Windows Vista'. The Youtube vids still takes ages to buffer though............ >:(
It's weird though. Using my dads laptop used to be the very definition of luxury. Now it feels like a 48k Sinclair Spectrum with half its rubber keys missing and no added RAM. Still, there's loads of stuff on the old pc that I lost and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it back. No, I'm not referring to my Frankie Vaughn collection................
Photos I've taken over the past two years or so look to be irretrievable. Speedway stuff, vid clips, various other bits and bobs I used to rely on. I sometimes wonder what I got an external drive for in the first place, other than to rest my feet upon.........

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