Thursday, November 06, 2008

You Fucking Liar!

Came home last night to find someone had set the back court on fire. A vast improvement if you ask me...........
Apparently we're all gagging for ID cards. Has Jacqui Smith been in at the booze cabinet ? Seriously, there are two possibilities here. She's either been canvassing the opinions of twelve year olds, or the people she claims to have been accosted by, the ones telling her they can't wait to get retina scans and have their private information left on public transport, are mere figments of her imagination.
On a less peevish note, my latest Photoblog concluded yesterday. Seasons1: Autumn can now be viewed in all it's modest glory.
Ok, I'm off to put a pillow over my head and bellow every last ounce of rage out of my body. It's the only rational response to your internet connection dying on you once an hour.


Cocktails said...

I don't know why the powers that be don't just microchip everyone and be done with it. You know that's what they secretly want...

Cocktails said...

PS. Winter warmer? That song is damn depressing!

iLL Man said...

What can I say? I like to send my readers away with a smile on their faces.............