I'm exhausted. It seems to be standard for my weekends that it takes the rest of the week for me to recover from them. This of course is absurd. Aren't you supposed to spend the weekend recovering from the week before? If it wasn't for the psychological torture, work might almost be a blessed relief.............
Let's just say that physically it was a tad taxing(a three hundred foot climb and a sprained ankle) but mentally I'm still high as a kite.
Anyway, heres some photos I took at the weekend. Hope you like them.
It was at the weekend that something sort of struck me. Until recently I can honestly say that no song has ever made me cry. I suppose I've never really had that emotional punch in the guts until now.
The song in question is Will The Night by Low and it ambushed me quite brutally via my mp3 on a coastal path in North Berwick. I've had this song in various guises on various albums for a few years now, but I suppose circumstances take over and what was once a lovely, sad sounding little song is now a brutal tear jerker that has me in pieces every time it unexpectedly turns up on my headphones. I really will have to delete it.
I held it in of course, even though nobody was around and I could have howled my head off. Something wrong there.....
My question to you all is this; what songs make you break down and cry? Or at the very least force you to leave the room to compose yourself. Don't be embarrassed if it's something naff, emotional overload has no respect for musical taste.
Let's just say that physically it was a tad taxing(a three hundred foot climb and a sprained ankle) but mentally I'm still high as a kite.
Anyway, heres some photos I took at the weekend. Hope you like them.
It was at the weekend that something sort of struck me. Until recently I can honestly say that no song has ever made me cry. I suppose I've never really had that emotional punch in the guts until now.
The song in question is Will The Night by Low and it ambushed me quite brutally via my mp3 on a coastal path in North Berwick. I've had this song in various guises on various albums for a few years now, but I suppose circumstances take over and what was once a lovely, sad sounding little song is now a brutal tear jerker that has me in pieces every time it unexpectedly turns up on my headphones. I really will have to delete it.
I held it in of course, even though nobody was around and I could have howled my head off. Something wrong there.....
My question to you all is this; what songs make you break down and cry? Or at the very least force you to leave the room to compose yourself. Don't be embarrassed if it's something naff, emotional overload has no respect for musical taste.
I've always been quite interested in Low but have never got around to listening to any of their stuff.
I notice that they're playing at the Bush in May. I must go.
There's nothing wrong with being susceptible to certain music, even if it comes out of the blue. It means that you're not a dumb, but a caring person. Perhaps, there's really something behind the phenomenon and it's up to you to explore. Or perhaps, only time will tell. I don't know Low, but will check them.
I can't name a song that makes me feel like this all the time, but there are songs that make me feel like this - sometime.
Now for example it's kdlang's Barefoot. I'm not crying though it just strikes me emotionally.
The photo site is also great.
Nothing wrong with it, you are however turning into a woman.
Rolf Harris Two little boys makes me weep like a pussy boil.
I love KD Lang's 'Barefoot' too
I suppose the last song that made me cry was Steve Forbert's 'It Isn't Gonna Be That Way'
Last June, during a painful time, it came on while I was driving and I broke down and blubbered, I was surprised
and Brian Eno's 'Some Words'
hey ill man, i hadn't heard of low, but i downloaded 'will the night' & i can def see the potential for weeping . . .
Billy, Szelso Fa - Please do check them out. They are rather fine. Not party music though, so be warned. Not to be played during pass the parcel....
Bitter Balls - I was wondering when the hormones would kick in.
rb - Crying behind the wheel? Reminds me of all the things yr not supposed to do whilst driving. Like changing channels on the radio, eating, drinking coffee, talking to passengers, breaking wind, breathing........
All true. They did catch one guy shaving in his rearview mirror a while back. I know men are prone to getting their electric razors out on the motorway of a morning rush hour but if my appalling memory serves me correctly, he was WET SHAVING!!!
(Can anyone verify this?)
nmj - Think yourself lucky you didn't hear the demo version.....
I've checked it but the site did not allow me to enjoy it for more than a mere 30 seconds. That is not really much to get even an impression.
OK, I've listened to that Low song. Marvellous stuff. Good work.
Szelso Fa - That's just a quick preview. The link in my sidebar that reads "1.618" should take you to a very odd version of the song that sounds like it was recorded in a tunnel, but for the original, you'll have to download it from somewhere else. (Try Last FM)
Billy - Cheers! Tell me how they were live if you go to the gig. I've never actually been to see them......
let down, radiohead. always, since the first time i heard it.
Let Down gives me goosebumps, which are the country cousins of the full on waterworks.... They never made more beautiful songs than the ones on OK Computer
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