Not long ago, Jules at Comfy Pants Production Co challenged us all to take photographs of our bedrooms. I'm sure more than a few entries would have given Tracey Emin the fear. Anyway, via Billy I have discovered that Jules is at it again and this time she wants shots of where we blog. I'm almost certain that by this time next year I'll have posted photos of every room in my house and what I have for breakfast. Of course, I'm a closet exhibitionist so I'm more than happy to oblige........... ;)
To be honest, it's all looking very tidy right now. The new flat screen monitor has seen to that.
It's all very dull actually.
Only things of note are the ever present beer glass (and bottle of fancy arse German wheat beer) and the fact that I have shamelessly summoned my own blog for the photograph. I'm nothing if not self obsessed.
One more thing before I vanish for the night. If you like yr music a little odd then I can heartily recommend this site. It's like an on-line jukebox from another dimension. I can't think of a higher accolade to be honest.........
I really like the light in that picture, is it deliberate?
It was sort of deliberate. I don't use flash unless I really need to. The result is a sort of fuzzy 40 watt glow.
Cheers anyway.
For some reason I expected a man's bedroom to be in a filthy mess. It looks quiet and cozy, instead.
I, too, like the light.
Ooh you lil star...via Billy...is he still the epicentre of blogosphere? You know it'll go to the little mutt's head...cheers sweetpea..shameless plugging - I loves it :)
cheers .... :)
happy birthday, ill man!
Is that a fridge on the left?
May - Er, well, it's not my bedroom. It's the kitchen. My bedroom, as you correctly surmise is a revolting dump. ;)
Jools - Well, I thought I should credit him. I saw it on his blog first I'm ashamed to say....
rb - Thankyou. A nice day off to celebrate.
Szelso Fa - Yes, it is. It's not full of beer right now though.
tsk tsk...ok I'll let you off! Actually I should be annoyed with Billster, always nicking my ideas and getting more comments on them...oh yeh that's a me(look at)me isn't it? ;)
Jools, I've been lazy of late with looking up peoples blogs. Szelso Fa will attest to that. I need to remember that most of my readers also have blogs.......
Right, I'm off for toasted waffles and coffee.
Ill - see that is the joy of bloglines...there's no way I'd keep up otherwise...I'm just a terrible commenter..as in I hardly comment these days, not that my comments are terrible cause obviously they're all riveting and highly amusing! ;)
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