Saturday, January 05, 2008

Ooh! Look! Free Music!

The new Radiohead album in full. Handy for me as I disagree with paying anything for a download, and I can figure out if I want to buy the CD when it's in the shops. On this showing, I'll give it a wee while I think. The music's ok I suppose, but it's all gone a little 'Jazz' of late. Anyway, Thom Yorke hasn't written an intelligible or affecting lyric since OK Computer about ten years ago.............Still, people seem to love it. Emperors New Clothes? maybe, but it seems to me that Radiohead have been wandering around in the scud for an eternity now. Sure, I love Sigur Ros and they don't make any sense either, but their music does bring me out in head-to-toe goosebumps. That's the difference..............


Rob said...

I still like a lot of the new Radiohead music, but I admit nothing has struck me like OK Computer did.

Thanks for the post. I haven't gotten around to listening to this album yet. I'm liking it so far, but I don't mind a little jazz.

Cocktails said...

If Radiohead have gone jazz then maybe I should listen to them, I love jazz! Still I feel like I'm the only person in the UK who doesn't like Radiohead - I can only think of 2 decent songs by them and they're off OK Computer, years ago.

Mind you, still can't be bothered to watch this, well, I attempted to but got bored as usual after 30 seconds.

Are they the most overrated British band ever?!

iLL Man said...

Rob - Glad to be of service. I'll listen to it again, but I'm not holding out much hope.

Cocktails - There was a time when I'd have disagreed quite strongly with you, but they just seem to have lost the place over the past six years or so. They've stopped making gorgeous music and become obsessed with being 'cutting edge'.

Anonymous said...

I haven't really liked any of Radiohead's music since OK Computer. Maybe I need to try a bit harder but I can't be bothered. I still think The Bends is their best album.

Anonymous said...

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