An assortment of stuff tonight, so strap in.
First a plea to fellow bloggers.
A Mischief Of Magpies, the group blog I contribute to is in need of new blood. If you want a place to get things off your chest, indulge in intelligent debate and show everyone what a witty, well read and clever sod you are then you are most welcome. Just email me and i'll arrange to have an invitation sent to you. For those without a blog, i'm not 100% sure what the script is for getting you on board, but I can honestly say that you could do worse than get your own blog going. It's a piece of piss. Your prescence on A Mischief Of Magpies will also provide a link to your own site allowing an increase in traffic to the wonders(or horrors) of your personal blog.
Ok, sales pitch over with, I shall move on to the cunt who invented that button on my keyboard that when pressed disconnects me, and shuts my PC down. I hate you with every fibre of my being, you perverse, twisted bastard. Twice last night my slightly erratic typing strokes landed on this little grey button whilst making blog entries. The best part of 500 words gone in an instant. I don't touch type and those who do should be burnt as witches. Ok, so the button is up next to the function keys and in theory should not be struck whilst typing, but all it takes is a misplaced bash at the delete button without looking and everything you wrote is gone forever. The only possible purpose for this button is to help middle aged men who skim porno sites while the wifes out shopping switch the pc off in a quick and easy manner when the other half unexpectedly comes in the door with her elderly mother in tow.
I see
Blair has decided it's 90 days or nowt. Obviously the man is desperate for some quick fixes, hoping that the fear people have of another suicide attack will let him get away with erroding civil rights in the name of some vague threat from international terrorism. These measures will NOT stop another act of terrorism by Muslim fundamentalists on these shores. I don't for a moment trust any country with such laws on detention to remain true to their original premise(locking up nasty men who they think want to kill you). Once the breach of a certain freedom or right has been made by a government, regardless of the caveats made to ensure that the powers will only be used in ceratin circumstances, the mutual trust between public and government that allowed such a liberty in the first place will have started to wither.
If you're happy with that.............. well, please yourself. Like that other absurdity and weapon of control the ID card, this issue will inspire the immortal words from the mouths of morons "But if you've nothing to hide......"
Ok, enough of the apocalyptic predictions. I'm off for me tea.