It would appear that Captain Sensible has his own political party. Good Lord! Any more old punks out there ready to step into the political limelight? Jimmy Pursey? Glen Matlock? Bruce Foxton..........................(Sweet Jesus No!!!)
Frankly I reckon a John Lydon fronted political party would be most amusing, but I doubt the old fart would be willing to give up his cushy LA lifestyle to go on a Hunter S Thompson/Kinky Friedman style campaign trail. Can't say I'd blame him................
So, what's the old Cap'n saying? Not a lot to be honest. It would seem to be a rolling manifesto, shaped by the contributions of the general public. So, ill informed, contradictory and more than a little random. Brilliant, I love it already....................=D
............Anyway, tea..................I've always been a bit ambivelent about the stuff. Prefer coffee to be honest. Thing is, I found some Earl Grey the other morning and decided to give it a go. As a child I'd drunk it, I'm sure, and found it to be a peculiar drink which I wasn't quite sure if I liked or not. After many years of drinking the common-or-garden stuff I have now fallen for the delights of something genuinely refreshing and not laden with bloody tannin or caffeine. Anyone else got some good tea tips? Anything I should be trying? (not herbal, I'm bored of them)
Frankly I reckon a John Lydon fronted political party would be most amusing, but I doubt the old fart would be willing to give up his cushy LA lifestyle to go on a Hunter S Thompson/Kinky Friedman style campaign trail. Can't say I'd blame him................
So, what's the old Cap'n saying? Not a lot to be honest. It would seem to be a rolling manifesto, shaped by the contributions of the general public. So, ill informed, contradictory and more than a little random. Brilliant, I love it already....................=D
............Anyway, tea..................I've always been a bit ambivelent about the stuff. Prefer coffee to be honest. Thing is, I found some Earl Grey the other morning and decided to give it a go. As a child I'd drunk it, I'm sure, and found it to be a peculiar drink which I wasn't quite sure if I liked or not. After many years of drinking the common-or-garden stuff I have now fallen for the delights of something genuinely refreshing and not laden with bloody tannin or caffeine. Anyone else got some good tea tips? Anything I should be trying? (not herbal, I'm bored of them)

Anyway, that's all just now. Cheers!
Wonderful photos, IllMan!
On the other hand, blogger does not let me comment only if I'm stating I'm not a blogger. Funny, isn't it?
I like herb teas, so that won't work for you....
But.... have you tried rooibos?
Has buster gonads got a party yet? his promises would all be followed by sticking his tongue out, I'd vote for him.
aren't all teas herbal?
i can hotly recommend jasmine. it must be brewed very weak however, and sipped from the finest bone china with your bum pointing east.
and yes, the blogger commenting system is totally up the spout these days. pathetic. the words piss-up and brewery spring to mind.
Szelso Fa, thankyou. b Rooibos you say.......Sounds interesting. What is it?
I'm sure Buster Bloodvessel is only minutes away from forming a party. Wish he'd hurry up, i'm running short of things to align myself with. Apparently he's a Partick Thistle fan too...........
Alan, true enough. What I was very loosely referring to was stuff like Cammomile(which I still like),mint tea, fruit teas etc. 'Infusions' if you will. As for Blogger, I think it has to do with the beta changeover. I never had a problem accessing other peoples beta sites with my old account, but I do know that it's a problem for some people. Can't help thinking they'd have been better gently upgrading blogger over a period of time, rather than this rather than going either/or. The results are shambolic and unsatisfactory.
Keep commenting folks, I've got yr links in the sidebar, I know where to find y'all.
Shall give it a try. I'm gonna hit the hot beverages isle at the supermarket this weekend like a mad thing.
Really like your photos man.
You have a good eye.
On Rooibos:
I think you can find it in herbal shops, alternative and/or organic shops, large supermarkets.
oh, and this one's better:
Spunky: Cheers mate. I have a two good eyes if you must know................. ;)
Szelso Fa: I shall keep my eyes peeled. As long as I have something to rival the demon drink................
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