Oh lord!! Seedy saunas, 'masseuses' in naughty nurse outfits, sword wielding mad men, Triads, the second coming.......................
Ok, maybe not the second coming, but I was just waiting for it to be shoe horned into this rather bizarre little story I found in Glasgow scandal 'zine
'The Digger'. Basically the guy who writes it turns up at trials and court hearings before reporting the gory details in his A5 pamphlet which is sold in various independent newsagents in the city.
To cut a long story short, Hugh 'Shug' O'Donnell wants to put a few rival rub-a-tug shops out of business. He appears at one of them brandishing a 'leather double handed sword' and proceeds to 'go completely off his nut', chasing employees and clients out into the street. The place in question is run by the local Triads. This seems not to bother our mentalist chum and he proceeds to threaten the ladies of the establishment with violence unless they come to work for him. Hasn't he heard of PR or Advertising? Or is this his idea of headhunting.............?
The madness doesn't end there. In a web of criminality far too byzantine and tedious to cover in any detail here it would seem that 'Shug' who has property in Jersey and The Isle Of Man by the way, was arrested coming off a jet in Dubai for his earlier hooker threatening episode. Add to this accusations of money laundering, naughty knicker smuggling operations at prisons and the obligatory drug dealing and you may well have the next
'ice cream wars' . Sort of.
All I can say is that this magazine should have an online counterpart. I simply cannot do justice to the real life lunacy that lies between it's covers.
Hi, Just to let you know that I have replaced 'Empty Thoughts' blog with 'A Lady In Bristol'blog.
Oh my God! The Digger, it's a work of genius. Ever since I first read it I've longed to be picked for jury service. We must find the author of The Digger and befriend him.
Ladybristol, great to see you. I'll be on over in a minute to inspect your new blog and ammend my links accordingly.
Clairwil, I was thinking the same thing myself. He definitely needs a wee website to himself though.
Good God, are things like this common in Glasgow?
A very entertaining post.
Not sure Billy. The Digger has opened up a whole new world to me.
What a job that would have been. How long before some psycho and his mad dog family rumble you and chase you down the street with sticks and broken bottles though?
Very nice site! » »
I took a story to The Digger about a publicly funded "Not For Profit" organisation which was squandering millions by allowing staff to sleep on shift come in for work late and go home early, most staff were unqualified for their jobs but got their jobs through nepotism. The Digger replied that it was not for him. Strangely enough The Digger, (Cruikshank), only a few weeks later appeared on a documentary hosted by a "Not For Profit" organisation. He is not who he is pretending to be. He is in it for the money.
Can you name some names, or are you full of shit? Are you talking about the BBC in both cases?, or are the group you had a 'story' on a different organisation?
I have never doubted that Cruikshank is in it to make a profit. He also does it because he enjoys it and gets a wee thrill out of the seedier sides of life. Fair enough.
You're just miffed that he had no interest in your 'scoop'. Try the Daily Mail, that's more their scene.
the digger is teh biz ....
he i not pretending to be anything he has said he is in it to sell papers ...
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