Don't quite know in what sense Arthur Lee meant it, but for me it aptly described my situation. You put on trousers, you go out. (As opposed to not putting on trousers and not going out) and you realise there's something grim sticking to one of your legs. The hazards of hanging one's clothing up on the floor I suppose. Being a vain fucker, I'm back inside in seconds finding something else to wear.
That said, it seems many people think nothing of the odd mucky mark on their clothing, why should they bother about me? For instance, a guy at work had a nose bleed all over his shirt and whilst he was marginally embarrassed, he still looked quite dashing with the sort of spatter marks that your average knife killer would be proud of. Some bloke I saw yesterday had the best part of half a bottle of red on his shirt, but seemed unfazed by the experience. So, what's my problem with an unidentifiable mark on my right trouser leg?
I think the word "unidentifiable" covers the bases on that one.........

So, what else has floated past me in the past few days.............
Saved a dog from strangulation the other morning. Sort of. Some tit had put the noose end of the lead over a railing spike outside a shop, resulting in the poor mutt being unable to put it's front paws on the deck. The resulting distress and pained yelping led me to stick my head in the shop and find out if the inconsiderate cunt owner was about. I was met by a little girl who ran out and comforted the dog and loosened the slack on the lead.
Hard to know what to say really.................So I said nothing. Maybe should have chastised her, maybe I should also have taken a flying fuck at a rolling donut for all the good it would have done me. Anyway, I saw a female adult in the shop with her and decided I couldn't be arsed getting into an argument about it.
Also saw this mob up to no good in the local park =D.

Is there a connection between anarchy and shoppin trolleys that Im missin !?
Are u an anarchist if u steal a trolley?
Oh and on the subject of dodgy stains, I think it bein unidentified AND its location (on yr upper leg) makes it more sketchy than blood or wine on a shirt.
Just my opinion!
Diane (again)
You should've strangled the dog in front of the child. That would've shown her, the dirty antichrist.
Oh anarchist, right. Well, that's still a terrible thing for a young girl to be. I stand by my judgement.
I don't really know why, but I'm reminded of the words of Vivian Stanshall:
Bad blood is like an egg-stain on your jeans. You can lick it but it just won't go away.
Ah dear! It's the body fluids that get the attention evry time....=D
Diane - The trolley may have something to do with the evils of consumerism etc. Not really a fair comment as everyone needs to shop, even Anarcho-Hippie Trustafarian types.....
As for the stain, I can tell you for sure it's not THAT! ;D I'm beginning to think it might have been food of some sort. It's also possible it was a blob of flying shale from the speedway last week. That stuff is lethal.
Kav - Age is no excuse! Well, ok, it might be..... That was the thing though, I was expecting to encounter an adult, not some little kid that hadn't realised the leash was too short.
Alan - An egg stain! Interesting, I'll add it to the list of possibilities ;D
hahahaha... shale!!!!?????
Good 1 Ewen
Diane x
Did u taste it?
D x
No, the shale excuse wasn't too convincing, was it? I think I protest too much.........
Taste it? no, but if it came down to pot noodle and mystery stains on my clothes...........
I'd pick pot noodle. ;D
hahah what flavour of pot noodle?
sometimes I lick stains(fresh 1's) on mine and the kids clothin, to try to figure out what the hell.
Maybe too much information for u, I dont do it often and I would never taste a stain on a males trouser leg, call me a sexist if u wish, or a minger(for lickin clothing), I dont really mind!!!
D x
Do they still have curry flavor ones? It's been a while....
Tasting yr own merchandise is fine I suppose, though I'm not a fan of licking fabric. It just feels a bit grim.
Also, never lick anyone elses trouser leg. You don't know (or want to know) where it's been..........("~)
Have a lovely saturday missus ;D
Im sure curry pot noodles are still on the go, Im more of a super noodle fan myself (when I cant be arsed cookin!!)
Today we havin a family day (in the sun hopefully), then out tonight for a bit of comedy, should be a good 1 -when I get over last nights hangover!!!
Hope u have a good 1 today too buddy,
Diane x
Can't go wrong with a chicken and mushroom pot noodle. Easy on the water though.
Diane - Had an ok day. Park pictures will be on Seven Days tonight, they should be quite good. Had to go into town though. Once you hit the city centre, you just feel like killing yourself/someone else.
Clairwil - It's been a while. I had a horrific Cup Noodle experience not long ago, so it's kind of put me off. I always liked the Chicken Curry ones.......
What was the horrific pOT noodle experience? Horrific !? Sounds serious...
D x
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