Normally rain is an utter bastard. A case in point being the other morning there when it chucked it down all the way to work. Add to this the ridiculous situation I found myself in whereby I'd had to return home to get my entry card for the office and you have a recipe for misery . Power walking to work through the pissing rain, on the muggiest day ever with an umbrella that keeps yr head dry, but ensures the rest of you gets drenched is something that would make even the most staunch welly boot fanatic re-assess their attitude towards inclement weather.
Today I got caught in what I would describe as 'good rain'. You know those symbols on weather forecasts with the sun/white cloud/rain all in one? Well, that's what it was like. It was pretty fair as I wandered through the park, pausing only to say hello to the coots and ducks as I headed home. I'd just passed some guy in a vest and comedy trousers, who'd got off his bike and started juggling on the pathway when it started to spit with rain. The spit soon turned into a full blown shower and the juggler (he was crap, kept dropping them) headed back past me again. No pleasing some folk.
Anyhow, it was that sort of shower where you have to make a quick search of the heavens to find out where the rain is coming from, as your senses are busy telling you "It's bright and warm with puffy white clouds in the sky, why are we getting wet?". A dirty great grey slab had started to move over the park unbeknownst to me (and many others) and was in the process of dumping it's load on various joggers (Yay!), cyclists (Double Yay!) and of course, the cycling juggler (Triple Yay!...... with bells on). For some it was a cue to scarper under some trees. for me it was a cue to get my trusty wee X-710 out and take some snaps. The things I do in the name of art........................
I was quite happy to get slightly wet, I knew it would pass in the space of a few minutes. Theres also nothing quite like a wee bit of rain on a bright sunny day. The strange metallic smell as the previously dry atmosphere suddenly turns moist, the way the world around you shifts up a gear as you change down and come to a halt. Yr gonna get wet anyway, might as well enjoy it...............
Your no Travis Bickle are yer?
Lost me there Zinzin. Never seen Taxi Driver.
It's not a reference to "Someday a real rain will fall............." is it?
A young man who hasn't seen taxi driver?
I do like Rain especially when I am wearing my brick overcoat.
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