Monday, June 25, 2007

Stalked By Seagulls

I kid you not........

It started (or so I thought) tonight on my way back from the shop. As I entered my street I noticed a couple of noisy gulls above me, but thought nothing of it until I noticed one of them hovering, then swooping down towards me. At first I thought it was after something on the ground, but it soon became apparent that I was the target and it only got worse when I stopped moving. By this time I had the camera out (fearlessly putting myself in the firing line for your entertainment!!) and the gull now seemed to have a static target to divebomb. Anyway, I got the above shot before deciding discretion was the better part of valour and made for the entry door before the fucker could start his next swoop.........To be honest, I was more frightened the bastard would shit on me than anything else...............

It was only later on I started to put things together. Staggering home at 4am on Sunday morning, I took this shot of a seagull sitting on a street light. Yes, I know there are thousands of the buggers scavenging the streets of the city, but I wouldn't put it past the fiends to be watching my every move.........

I'll soon know if I get chased again on the way to work..............

Sunset over Great Western Road

All I can say is..............Watch The Skies!!


fofufou said...

Could they be spies for the overlord?
Down here it's the crows. Always giving me back chat. Bastards.

Anonymous said...

It all happens to you.