Wednesday, October 24, 2007

You Can Do What With Your Breasts?

Maybe it's just me, but somehow this all sounds like something of an over-reaction. Ok, so it's not exactly becoming of a lady to crush beer cans with her cleavage, and yes, you can see how some patrons might get a little uptight about it, but for fucks sake! 1000 dollar fines all round? Mind you, we seem, as a race to have a bit of a problem with breasts, be it hang-ups or fixations, so until we stop wetting ourselves over a bit of bare flesh I doubt very much if you'll see this sort of thing down yr local.............


The Birdwatcher said...

Typical Australian attitude though. Anything that threatens their malecentric world has to be crushed.

iLL Man said...

Pun intended?

I also read about a woman in New Zealand who was ejected from a casino because one of the patrons objected to the amount of cleavage she was showing.