Thursday, April 20, 2006

I Cannot A Tell Lie. MySpace Is A Pile Of Shite.

What a fucking swizz. Ok, maybe i'm missing something bigstyle here, maybe I just don't get it, but it looks like the most boring thing on earth. Yes, I have an activation email in my inbox which should maybe solve all those annoying profile options that don't work, but still............At least with Blogger you can pick and choose to a degree. This place is cunt central. Populated by absolute jackasses. The idea that they might want to be your friend is terrifying. There are obviously some top chaps that use it like Blind Winger Jones and Dan Allen to name but two. I however shall be abstaining for the time being. I have an account set up, it's just that I shan't be using it until I decide that I have no other option but to join the rest of the online populace there.


Rob7534 said...

Amen to that!

I have a myspace account as well, but haven't visited it in several months. I prefer blogspot to MySpace.

alan said...

on the couple of occasions i've been there i've felt a kind of sensory overload coming on and fled back to simple blogland.

Clairwil said...

I started one because I thought it would aid my quest to rule the world. It didn't. It was shit. I asked my entire hotmail address book to be my friend and not even one respnded. Swizz! Dark night of the soul more like. Pah!

iLL Man said...

I think the moment of truth came when the grinning arsebag that started the whole thing apears as your 'first friend'. I've few enough friends but i'm glad that this dick isn't one of them.