..............You know, those little plastic things you shove into the front panel on cheap hi-fi systems? Stopped making them some time ago..................................
Ok, fact is, I'm still living in an extended adolescence. By 'Youth' I mean a time in which I held at least a little hope in the world and believed at least some of the things people told me. It was a time in which I could get drunk with impunity whilst holding down a job, count my friends on the fingers of several hands and every band you read about in the NME sounded like the second coming rather than a bunch of floppy haired students ripping off the Jesus And Mary Chain or The Kinks. Which would turn out to be the case with unerring regularity. Not that it bothered you...................
I dug out my old cassettes a few days ago and i'm trawling through them at the moment. There are some gems in there. An Associates best of album, some old Pavement stuff, the 'Hit Parade' albums The Wedding Present did, in which they released a single every month for a year before dividing the 24 released tracks into two LP's. I also have to hand some good old Rock action in the shape of Metallica's 'Black Album', Let There Be Rock by AC/DC and Sweet Oblivion by The Screaming Trees. They all bring back memories. College, drunken nights, holidays in France, my years in the kitchens of Glasgow, old gig venues, girls i've met.....blahblah, usual shite.
The MP3 is king and i'm not about to kick up too much fuss(still think the volume limit on Sony products is disgusting) That said, I still have an old Sony Cassette Walkman and I aim to give it some abuse whenever I can't be arsed uploading anything new to the new toy. This only scratches the surface. You don't wanna know how many 'mix tapes' I have floating about in various drawers and cupboards in my house.
I love tapes! I still enjoy making up mix tapes, even my mother laughs at me for being old fashioned. This from a woman who thinks you can 'tape music off the internet'.
Viv, thanks for the comment. Do pop in again. Calirwil, I couldn't agree more. The MP3 is lovely and all but putting a tape together is a labour of love to some degree, even if you do end up wiping it a month later. Old cassette LP's also tend to have a 'time and place' attached to them which usually adds to the listening pleasure.
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