There can be few things more unappealing than realising you work with a bunch of latent taxi drivers. I have to say that the particular conversation I overheard was conducted between three people who have the collective intellect of a stunned budgerigar, so maybe I shouldn't worry too much. It concerned immigrants/asylum seekers and consisted of the table drumming excopper, the office liar and Bongochops giving it big licks on the burning issue of the day. I was on Bongochops side. I think she just kept hammering her arguement that asylum seekers were being unfairly scapegoated until the others got fed up. Yay for Bongochops!!!
Then theres fatbloke. Every time I go to do some filing, he's there in the alcove.
I WANT IN!!!!! GO AWAY!!!!!!!
Of course, I can't say that so I just wander off and do something slightly less pressing instead. I think i'm getting him as my filing bitch for the next few weeks, so i'll be able to corroborate the reports i've heard that he is in fact a shiftless big arse.
The afternoon consisted of sitting with Carpet Heid and performing some tedious, yet pleasantly time consuming task. One minute it's twenty past two, next minute, it's ten to four. I haven't been so elated in quite some time. The down side is that I can't help but sit and stare at the guys neck which looks like raw meat. Ok, he has a skin condition, but i'm a starer and any abnormal visual stimuli is unlikely to pass me by.
Anyway, I have been reminded that there is indeed a function on
The Mischief that allows non-members to contribute. It's called
Mischief Idol and it allows anyone in the vicinity to contribute to the blog.
Go on then, don't be shy....................
Not to worry. I think my office takes the prize for asylum seeker scapegoating. This weeks hot topic was whether or not to execute failed asylum seekers as deterrent.
Seriously? Who suggested that?
more to the point, did they volunteer to pull the lever themselves?
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