Fucking sunburn! Deeply unpleasant and really quite painful. My neck is still glowing. Eight hours in the blazing sun with no suncream, in only a T-shirt and jeans. Hard as nails? Thick as fuck? A bit of both.................?
You tell me.
Also, I want to hear your sunburn stories. Hospital visits, falling asleep on the sun lounger, putting the sunblock on then jumping in the pool, the agony, the peeling skin.....................that sort of thing. The most entertaining/unpleasant/gory will win absolutely nothing at all bar my undying admiration.
Stories about sunbed overdoses will be treated with the contempt they deserve.
Oh definitely thick as fuck! ;-)
When I was about six months old my mother left me arse-down on a blanket in the garden for a bit too long. The resulting sun-burn on my bum necessitated hospital treatment under some sort of lamp ...
hmm, ive been sunsick a few times, and had blisters. not fun..
I don't go out in the sun if I can help it.
(meekon5 of the undead)
Croila, sounds nasty. Can't begin to imagine the heart attack that must have given your mother.
Lex, never had blisters or sunsickness, though a burnt neck doesn't tend to leave one in the highest spirits.
Mekon, you have the right idea. The only way to stay safe is cover up and boil to death............
Didn't happen to me, but a friend of mine was on holiday in the Med somewhere, and got up early to bag a spot on the beach. As a result of a rather late night partying, he was pretty knackered, and drifted off to sleep.
He woke up at about six in the evening. Fortunately, he'd put sunblock on his body and face, but where he hadn't thought to put it was on the soles of his feet, which had been in direct sun all day.
As I understand it, he had to crawl to hospital.
Did he ever walk again?
We spent about 3-4 hours in the mid-day sun on a beautiful empty beach in a port town called Progresso, in the Yucatan, Mexico. It was early June... very hot. I didn't wear sunblock, because I'm Mexican! I'm supposed to be immune, and whatnot. But they didn't tell me that the rays of sun are far more direct, more intense when you're that close to the equater... so I burned! :(
My head looked like a Cherry Tomato for 3 days, and the back of my neck was so itchy, it started to peel a bit.
After the 4th day or so, it turned into the greatest tan I had EVER had! It was a beautiful thing, after the itchy scratchy pain went away.
Rob, I'd say it's Steve's pal so far for the title of "Sunburnt Mentalist Of The Year". That said, it sounds like you took a dose that would have killed your average northern european.
Anyway, my arms look to be coming up in a tan but my neck is doing all sorts of revolting things................
More of which later...
I got abandoned in the sunbeds in Jenners by a dozy tech and ended up with burns all over my bum, just in time for a 18 hour flight for my honeymoon
Nasty. I know little about sunbeds, but I didn't know you needed someone to get in and out of them. Anyway, we'll put that one down as 'someone elses fault' and as such it lacks the foolhardiness needed to impress me in this matter.
Think this story probably has most of the others topped....
Que? This thread is nearly three years old. I won't check out the link if it's all the same, I'm about to have my tea..........
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