First the Tax Man, now the Drug Squad.......
Can't they just leave the old goat alone? Ah, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke......
Can't they just leave the old goat alone? Ah, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke......
Also, go here for more pop culture icons.........
If I post tomorrow night, I will probably be very, very drunk. Just like most Friday nights then.....................
I have just been readin your blogs randomly and happenned to read one where u mention Margaret Sweeting, how bizarre, Margaret was a very close friend of mine when we worked together from 1990-1994.
I havent seen her properly(unfortuantly) since Bob died, but I did run into her years ago very briefly.
I didnt read all of what u wrote coz Im pissed, dont know where my specs are and was so excited to tell u that I know Mags, but if u have lost touch I know where she works. Embarrassingly I have not contacted her even though I think of her often!
I gave my bikers jacket to Shona when I left work to go travellin in 1994, lol.
Hope u hava good weekend,
Diane, you've just made me really, really happy. Lost touch with the 'Kings Park mafia' a long time ago and would love to get in touch again. Heres the thing though. My mother has been ill for a few months and she's been in touch with a lot of people recently, people she hasn't seen for a while. She hasn't tried to get in touch with Mags though, that's for sure. I'll ask my mum about it in the next day or so and get back to you on that one. From what I remember, Margaret and Bob were brilliant, warm and kind people who acted as surrogate parents on various occassions. There were other places my folks could have left me you know....... My memories are so vague that I don't think I can do justice to them. According to my mum I spent almost two years as a toddler being looked after by Mags and Co at the hairdressers and at KP. Maybe I could have done with a more macho environment as a pup. Or maybe that's a load of bollocks...........
I'd love to see Mags again, I'd love to see Morag. I'd love to see Donna (or 'Dondie' as I apparently called her)
I shall find things out. I'm also still astonished that you knew Margaret and the coincidence involved. As I said in the original post, "this is my past......"
In a some ways, it seems partly to be yours too.
hahaha, why u sorry? Dont know who Donna is, Im pretty sure her daughters are Morag and Shona, was Donna a dog, cat or other animal, I remember they loved their pets!
I didnt know Bob very well as he was always away in the Navy (I think?), but Margaret was and is one of the best cuddlers I know, a total genuine sweetheart.
Hearing u mention her has just given me a huge kick up the arse, Im gony go see her next week while Im off work, thanks Ewen!!
Have a good weekend bud and thanks again x
Diane - Donna worked at the salon at that time (about 1978/79)
You're right about Morag, she was indeed Margarets daughter. I thought the other one was Rhona, but it could be Shona. My memory of it all is understandably murky.
Give her my regards when you see her.
Aha you are right, Rhona, what a good memory you have for a 3 year old!!!
I had never been to the salon, didnt actually know about it til u mentioned it.(Margaret probably told me about it and I've forgotten!!) I worked with Mags in a nursery, she is still in that line of work but in a different nursery.
I will pass your regards on for sure,
Diane x
ps where is Ashfield stadium?
Cheers Diane. Ashfield stadium is situated between Possil Park and Springburn. I usually take a walk through bandit country to get to it, but it can also be reached by train (Anniesland train from Queen St high level).
thinking of popping along? It's a good laugh and you can a have a beer or two as well.....
...beers to be had at Ashfield, its soundin better all the time, although Im not too keen on bandits!! How much does it cost to get in? On average how much u spend on a day out there?
Im experiencing financial difficulties at the mo so who knows when I'll be able to go.
Ive always wanted to experience speedway since being a kid and hearin it when passin Shawfield Stadium. Dont think they have it there anymore, do they?
About the beer we're gony share, can u wait a few weeks til my cashflo improves?...
D x
Nah, the area's fine, just get a train. I'm there just about every sunday and I've had no problems. The dodgy area is about a mile away, on the route I walk to the ground. They don't have speedway at Shawfield anymore, just dogs.
It's £12 quid to get in and the racing lasts for about one and a half to two hours. I usually spend another six or so quid on bevvy or food.
No problem if yr strapped for cash, just give me a shout when yr ok.
Hey Ewen,
I was jokin about the bandits, Im from more or less bandit country myself!!
TWELVE QUID thats pricey, I would definately like to go sometime but usually my twelve quids are for gigs. When Im a wee bit richer...
I have to tell u Ewen, I have been very impressed/inspired by yr photos on illman76, I love takin pics myself and have never thought of (or to be honest, never knew of), havin them somewhere where people can see them. Will have to try to get my own blog, it feels very weird just to say those words. I AM a nerd, but obviously not a computer nerd!!
By the way hows yr Monday goin?
Ach, you............I thought you were well posh...
Twelve quid is a bit much, it has to be said. I'm fine for cash just now so I could spot you for it if you wanted....
As long as you get a round in.......... ;D
Thanks for the kind words. You'll give me an even bigger head than I already have. I recommend you visit 'This Moment' and 'Such Stuff' in my sidebar to see some really good photography.
A blogger site is really easy to set up. It's also free. Honestly, ten minutes and you're up and running. You should have something resembling a blog within an hour, easy.
As for my Monday.........Not as good as yours I'll bet..
Work sucked, but tonight's been pretty decent so far. I'm off to watch some Monty Python and Family Guy, then off for my usual five hours...........
I find it easier if I'm half asleep at work, it's less painful.
Hahaha, ok I understand why you would think Im posh, is it because I was behavin like a right posh bUrd the night our paths crossed?
Thanks for the offer to "spot me for it", I know Im a bit dense but what exactly does that mean, does it mean to loan or to cover it? Whatever it means cheers Ewen but its against my principles to go out without my own shekels in my pocket!
My Monday was lovely, my friend came down to give me some advice with her comedian 2year old. I went to the recycle depot near me then went to collect an art book from a fellow freesharer, visitin my cousin enroute. It was a gorgeous day for strollin around :D
All in all a nice day, its great bein off work but shit I have no money to do anythin too excitin, ah well I do have my feet, ipod, camera and a 2zone buspass!!
You wanna meet up for a beer soon? I can get a sub for a beer or 2.
Diane x
I don't get out much.......... =D
Fair enough about tapping cash. If it was me I'd take it up, but then I'm a rotten freeloader with no morals..... ;D
"ah well I do have my feet, ipod, camera and a 2zone buspass!!"
To be honest, that's all you really need....
Diane, a beer or two would be great. Just give me a shout when yr fine for cash.
Hi Ewen do u have an email address u can give me and I'll send pics I took of Margaret today, send to my myspace inbox if u want...
Ewen, I forgot to tell u in the email, Dondie is still called Dondie and has been since you named her. Doreen is her real name, Mags hasnt seen her in a few years!
Doreen..........? Damn, where did I get Donna from? ;D
Last time I saw her was about twenty years ago. Another one to track down I suppose.........
How's yr wednesday? make sure yr out using up all this lovely weather. They've just given me a window seat at work. It would be nice I suppose, but all I can see is the M8 motorway.
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